Leafcutter ants

Leafcutter ants

If your in-laws gave you a box of ants as a wedding gift, you’d probably never speak to them again. In South American countries such as Colombia, though, this is a common practice. Leafcutter ants are considered an aphrodisiac in that region and are often sold roasted on the street as on-the-go delicacies.


Duck eggs

Duck eggs

A popular street food in the Philippines and Laos are duck eggs, known as balut. But these aren’t the kind of eggs you keep to fry up at home; these eggs contain a duck fetus that is already a few weeks into its gestation period. It may not sound appetising, but it is filled with nutrients and is said to increase a person’s energy. If you’re lacking energy in the bedroom, this could be the snack you’ve been looking for.

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