They want to cuddle

They want to cuddle

Though cats may be viewed as solitary creatures who prefer to do their own thing, they also enjoy cuddles like the rest of us. “Sleeping curled up with another family member – animal or human – is a sign of pure love,” says Dr Zacharias. “These cats are happy in their relationships and are expressing their love for another.”


They’re eager to play

They’re eager to play

A playful cat is a happy cat who’s in a particularly good mood. Maybe they’re excited to bat around a stuffed toy, dart around chasing a laser, or try to catch pet-approved bubbles. This energy is a sign that they’re feeling healthy and happy! On the other hand, if your cat is lethargic or won’t engage with you, it could be a sign of discontent or stress, particularly if the malaise is ongoing.

All’s well with the litter box

All’s well with the litter box

Cats communicate with their owners through the litter box, so pay attention when scooping. If they’re going outside of the box, it could be a sign of an underlying physical issue or unhappiness (even if it’s with an unclean box or the type of litter you’re using). If the issue is persistent, it’s time to call your vet.

Now check out these hilarious cat memes.

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