Any progress is good progress

Any progress is good progress

Whether you live in an apartment or in a house, every little effort to push back against your depression and take care of yourself is worth celebrating. Showering, cooking a meal, calling a friend, taking a walk – all of those little things add up over time and make a difference. Self-care is so important when you are depressed and you are worth it.

The next time you’re feeling particularly down, check out these depression quotes that capture exactly what you’re feeling and will help you feel less alone.


Keep fighting the good fight

Keep fighting the good fight

Depression is a part of you but it isn’t who you are. Use it to define yourself as a fighter and a survivor. The words you use to talk about yourself are more important than you think and can give you and others clues on how to help you. And if it feels like “struggle” is the only word that really works, it may be time to check in with your doctor or therapist about getting treatment or adjusting your existing treatment plan.

Here are some signs of childhood depression parents should be aware of. 

Best use of the “report post” function ever

Best use of the “report post” function ever

It’s hard to know what to say to people who can see the sadness in your face but don’t know how to help. However, dropping the “everything’s fine” mask and letting others in is an important first step to feeling better. Feeling lonely and isolated is a big risk for depression.

Sometimes depression does gives you an edge

Sometimes depression does gives you an edge

Following social distancing guidelines and being in quarantine has been tough for a lot of people, but for those with depression, it may feel like official permission to carry on business as usual. But while it’s OK to laugh at how society is finally telling you to do what comes naturally, don’t give in to the temptation to avoid people completely. (You need others to feel happy and be healthy.)

Of course, the answer is obvious

Of course, the answer is obvious

This is like telling someone with a broken leg to stop limping and it wouldn’t hurt so much. Depression is a symptom of an underlying issue, whether it’s a chemical imbalance in your brain, being stuck in a bad situation, or all of the above. Like, if just thinking your way out of a funk was a viable option, no one would have depression. However, people who say this usually aren’t trying to be mean but rather they don’t understand that mental illnesses are real illnesses too.

What the world thinks depression is versus what it really is

What the world thinks depression is versus what it really is

It’s hard to understand what depression really means if you’ve never experienced it. It’s like saying “I’m so OCD!” because you like a tidy kitchen. Depression isn’t all sob-fests and days in bed. You can’t tell how someone is feeling simply from looking at them or from an off-hand answer to a casual question.

Sometimes it’s the people who appear the most together on the outside, who actually have high-functioning depression.

Sometimes you are your own worst enemy

Sometimes you are your own worst enemy

It’s natural to want to self-medicate your bad feelings but some ways are healthier than others. For instance, did you know working out just one hour per week helps reduce depressive symptoms? Yes, getting up and going for a walk may feel like gearing up for Mt. Everest. But it’s worth it to keep trying.

Here are some mood-boosting secrets to help you life a happier life.

You can’t compare pain

You can’t compare pain

There’s this idea that you aren’t allowed to feel sad or down if your life is “good” or if anyone else has it worse than you. Of course, logically that would mean only one person on the planet would get to be sad at a time, which is nonsense. The truth is that depression hurts, no matter what. You’re allowed to feel your own feelings with no judgment.

Pretending is exhausting

Pretending is exhausting

Sometimes “fake it ’till you make it” is good advice and you can talk yourself out of a bad mood but the advice to “put on a happy face” usually hits differently for people with depression. Those with depression will do it, but eventually, they have to take it off because it never stops feeling like a mask.

Antidepressants can be a game changer

Antidepressants can be a game changer

When you’ve felt bad for a long time, it can almost feel like a trick when you feel good again. However, just like depression can have a chemical basis, so can treating it. Serotonin is one neurotransmitter associated with a good mood and some antidepressants work by boosting it. Unfortunately, there’s still a stigma against taking medication for mental illness but as one serotonin-challenged person to another, they can really help and we all need to be talking about our brain chemicals more.

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