Thorough carpet cleaning

Thorough carpet cleaning
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Obviously you should continue to do basic cleaning, like dusting and vacuuming, during this time. But James Neal, owner of Rainbow International Restoration, says that any carpet cleaning you do can’t match the work of the professionals. “Carpets tend to collect many pollutants that regular carpet cleaners don’t pick up on, including dander, mould and pollen,” he told He warns that attempting a DIY carpet cleaning could actually worsen things: “There [have] been scenarios where homeowners have used store-bought products to clean their carpets without taking into consideration the fibres and chemistry of the carpet. As a result, we’ve seen stains get bigger, brighter (because of the strong chemicals used), and decolourised.” The good news is that your carpet probably only needs this kind of deep clean every 12 to 18 months, so this isn’t the kind of routine maintenance that quarantine is completely upending.


Self-diagnosing medical conditions

Self-diagnosing medical conditions
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There’s a reason health-care workers are essential! Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, MD, primary care physician and health expert, warns that trying to diagnose, and especially, treat, a health condition yourself can always be dangerous. Yes, right now you may – rightly – be reluctant to actually go to the doctor or urgent care and add to any burden on the health system. But that doesn’t mean you should self-diagnose. If you have a genuine pressing concern about your health, you can still call your doctor. “Keep in mind that most doctors are offering virtual telemedicine services and many health insurance carriers are even waiving co-pays for these telehealth visits during the coronavirus pandemic,” Dr Okeke-Igbokwe says. “So if you have a health concern, you should touch base with your doctor.”

These strange symptoms could signal a serious disease. 

Pest control

Pest control
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Pest problems don’t stop just because a virus is infecting humans. There are some basic pest control measures you can take yourself, but you shouldn’t attempt professional-level pest control right now. “Many pests are vectors for diseases, so it is best to allow the professionals to take care of these problems,” says Erin Kelly, who represents Ehrlich Pest Control. Exterminators are mconsidered essential services, so attempting big pest-control solutions on your own right now is not only inadvisable but also unnecessary. Just be courteous and respectful during this dangerous time. Try to avoid calling in a professional to deal with a minor problem, like a single bug or two or even a mouse, that you can attempt to curtail yourself. If you do call in a pest control expert, make sure you’re absolutely taking the maximum precautions to keep them, yourself and your family safe.

Glass repair

Glass repair
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You guessed it: Trying to repair glass on your own (like a broken windowpane) can be dangerous. “Chips or divots more than a centimetre in diameter, or chips with tiny holes, require replacement,” says Mike Shanahan of GlassDoctor. And that means by a professional, not by you. He says that professionals know the correct – and safe – amount of resin to apply to a broken windowpane. “Resin expands and contracts with changes in temperature and humidity. If too much resin is applied and hardens, it will create a much larger divot and develop into a safety hazard,” he says. “Call a licensed professional to help address the matter in a safe way to ensure you or your family don’t get hurt.” He adds that repair kits you can buy aren’t always reliable, either. “You never know what you’re going to get,” he says.

Luckily, though, there are lots of everyday things that you’re welcome – in fact, encouraged – to do for yourself during quarantine.

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