‘I’m not a maths person’

‘I’m not a maths person’
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While your DNA can play a measurable role in how you learn, genetics are much more about general learning ability than your knack for mastering particular subjects, reports the Los Angeles Times. According to the Atlantic, basic maths ability depends on ‘hard work, preparation and self-confidence,’ not winning the genetic lottery.

Check out these maths riddles only the smartest can get right.


‘I’m just bad with names’

‘I’m just bad with names’

You’re not born with the inability to remember – so don’t try blaming your genes for forgetting your wedding anniversary, either! Time and time again, scientists show that our brainpower is not fixed in biology. WebMD reports that although genetics play a part, the main memory gene accounts for ‘relatively minor differences in brain function.’ Factors we can control include diet, sleep, stress management, physical exercise, and cognitive exercises like learning new skills. According to Psychology Today, there are several effective ways to train your working memory – the kind that retains phone numbers and names.

‘I don’t have a creative bone in my body!’

‘I don’t have a creative bone in my body!’

No, creative thinking cannot simply be explained away by genetics: developing creativity has much more to do with motivation and personal interest. Geneticist, Dr Edward Glassman, says it is a “major myth” that creativity is largely inherited. “Most people with reasonable mental ability can become more creative” by developing creative thinking skills. These include the ability to keep an open mind, generate ideas, and use a variety of problem-solving tactics.

Here are some proven ways to boost creative thinking.

‘I can’t catch!’

‘I can’t catch!’
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In an NPR interview, author David Epstein says our reflexes needed for catching or hitting a baseball are a learned skill. “Even the best hitters in the world have perfectly pedestrian reaction times,” he notes. Anyone can learn how to read body language and other perceptual queues to get better at catching.

‘I don’t have an ear for languages.’

‘I don’t have an ear for languages.’

Quoi? We’ve already covered how genes do play a role in general learning ability, and learning another language is no exception. But don’t blame the ‘language gene’ for your poor español – research on language learning shows that the gene is only one piece of a larger brain science puzzle. Research published in publications like Procedia and the Modern Language Journal suggest that what matters most is your attitude.

Read on to find out how to learn a new language as an adult.

‘I have no natural artistic ability’

‘I have no natural artistic ability’
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According to an article in LiveScience, with practice, people can improve all of the mental processes required to draw well. These include remembering visual information, making informed choices about exactly which elements to draw, and perhaps the most important skill, learning how to see differently. If you’ve ever found yourself complaining that you ‘can’t draw a straight line,’ repeat this mantra: practice makes perfect.

‘I can’t dance – I have two left feet’

‘I can’t dance – I have two left feet’

A study from the University of Washington suggests that people judge dancers based upon the symmetry of their bodies (a sign of genetics), but the study did not detect a connection between DNA and dancing ability. According to research published in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, ‘differences in early experiences, preferences, opportunities, habits, training, and practice are the real determinants of excellence’ in dance. In other words, it’s never too late to audition for So You Think You Can Dance.

Check out these easy tips to improve brain health.

‘I don’t have a green thumb’

‘I don’t have a green thumb’
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“Gardening, like many things in life, is merely a developed skill,” says Nikki Phipps, author of The Bulb-o-licious Garden. The website EcoMyths also shoots down the idea that green thumbs are born, not made by breaking gardening down into its individual learnable skills.

‘I’m not tech savvy’

‘I’m not tech savvy’
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You may think you’re naturally bad at grasping new technology, but in reality, the skill sets you need to excel in computer science aren’t hardwired into your DNA the same way, say, your eye colour is. The New York Times explains that ‘scientists are made, not born.’ For evidence, they point to the recent generations of women scientists excelling right along with men – not because their genes suddenly changed, but because of the ‘choices and opportunities’ newly available to them. Women still play a big role in when it comes to teaching kids – science has even confirmed that kids get their intelligence from mum.

Here are the most confusing computer technology terms explained.

‘I’m a bad driver – it’s genetic’

‘I’m a bad driver – it’s genetic’

In an attempt to find a relationship between a particular gene, driving, and memory, Stanford at the Tech (The Tech is a museum of innovation) reports that genes aren’t directly related to motor skills. The researchers admit genes have ‘been shown to affect a person’s mood, attention, and anxiety,’ but the key word is ‘affect’: clearly there are many other factors at play, like practice and focus.

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