Never too young for kindness

Never too young for kindness
Getty Images

Random acts of kindness may sound simple, but they’re almost a revolutionary act in our world. Showing kindness requires courage, honesty, and thinking outside the box. It’s so worth it, though, to see the look of appreciation and delight on the recipient’s face. These small acts of service and random acts of kindness for kids can make a huge difference, for both the giver and the receiver. And that’s true whether you’re nine or 99.

Children are naturals when it comes to performing little acts of kindness. In fact, many of us adults take our cues from them! But sometimes kids need a little extra nudge to think about others. Whether it’s showing kindness to their families, friends, communities, animals, or the planet, we’ve got thoughtful ideas for kind-hearted kiddos of every age.

Need your own inspiration? Here are 14 simple acts of kindness you can do in 2 minutes or less.


Random acts of kindness for family

Random acts of kindness for family
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Text someone a funny meme

Are you always telling your kid to get off their phone? Put their love of tech to good use by having them text a funny meme to a family member. (Just make sure it’s appropriate!) It’s a quick way to put a smile on someone’s face.

Send a get-well card

Have your child make and send a get-well card to a loved one who isn’t feeling well, or make a batch to drop off at the local hospital. Little artists will particularly love doing this one!

Give someone a compliment

Learning how to give a kind, sincere compliment is a skill – and now is the perfect time for your child to practise.

Do a chore for a sibling

Doing a small chore for a brother or sister is an easy way to show kindness, particularly if they are having a bad day. It can also increase that loving sibling bond.

Discover 12 proven ways siblings help make you who you are.

FaceTime a grandparent

FaceTime a grandparent

Nothing cheers up a grandparent like seeing the sweet face of their grandchild. Littles already love calling, but it may feel even more meaningful coming from an older child or teen.

Walk the dog

If you have a dog, encourage your child to take it on walks. If you don’t own one, offer to walk the dog of an elderly relative, a disabled neighbour, or a friend who’s out of town.

Make a family member’s bed

Making someone’s bed is a small kindness that can make a big difference in their day. Kids can add a note or small treat on the pillow to make it extra special.

Read a book to a sibling

Read a book to a sibling

The “reader” will love being able to share a favourite book, and the listener will enjoy the attention along with the story. Parents will love that it helps kids practise their reading skills.

Put away groceries

Children of all ages can learn about household management and show kindness to their parents by helping to shop for groceries, bring them in from the car, and put them away properly.

Offer to be a “mother’s helper” for an hour

Many kids love to help but aren’t old enough to babysit on their own. One solution is to allow your child to volunteer as a mother’s (or father’s) helper for you or a close loved one. The adult is still present, but the child can do small chores and play with younger children to help keep them busy.

Discover 17 secrets of the happiest families.

Give a hug to Mum or Dad

Give a hug to Mum or Dad

A hug from your child is the ultimate kindness! It shows they are thinking about you and they love you.

Organise the plastic containers

Is your Tupperware cabinet a mess? Even very young children enjoy stacking containers and matching things by size and shape. Older kids love organising things, especially when they get to do it their way, so encourage creativity.

Refill the pet’s water dish

Another way to show kindness and love to animals is to make sure their needs are met. They can’t speak for themselves, so teach your child to regularly check your pet’s food and water bowls – or maybe even clean out the litter box!

These are the best dog breeds for kids.

Play a board game with a sibling or grandparent

Play a board game with a sibling or grandparent

Kids love to play all sorts of games, like board games, card games, and even brain-boosting games. Use this natural desire for fun and have them reach out to a sibling, a grandparent, or anyone else who could use some extra love.

Post a picture of something they are grateful for

Kids can show gratitude for their blessings and kindness to others by taking a picture of something beautiful or happy in their lives and either posting it to social media or texting it to a loved one.

Help cook dinner

Children of all ages love helping out in the kitchen. Let them plan and cook a simple age-appropriate meal or work alongside you. As their skills and confidence grow, so will their ability to provide this kindness in the future.

These 19 powerful kindness quotes will stay with you.

Random acts of kindness for friends

Random acts of kindness for friends

Make a friendship bracelet

Do a kindness craft with letter beads, spelling out a sweet message like “I love you,” “Best friend,” or “Peace.” Kids can make a bracelet to wear and one to share with a new friend or a family member.

Write to a pen pal

Writing via paper or electronically to a pen pal in another place is a great way for kids to learn social skills, learn about other cultures, and practice writing. Talk to your child’s teacher or a local community centre.

Leave five kind comments on social media

Everyone loves getting happy messages on social media, so this is an easy random act of kindness for kids to try. Older kids with social media accounts can like and leave a positive, supportive comment on a friend or family member’s post. Encourage them to reach outside of their normal circle (safely) to include others who may be feeling ignored or left out. As always, monitor your children’s social media activity closely.

Make a friend laugh

Kids can spread joy to their friends by telling a funny joke or sharing a hilarious pun. Let the laughter commence!

Here are 25 of the best knock-knock jokes for kids.

Share toys

Share toys

Sharing is caring, after all! Encourage your kids to share toys with their friends so everyone can join in on the fun.

Pick a dandelion for a friend

This small but sweet gesture allows kids share something special with their friends. If they don’t want to pick a dandelion, they can always give their friends other types of flowers.

Pay for a friend’s school lunch

If you can swing it, give your child extra money one day to pay for a friend’s school lunch. You never know what another family is going through (financial hardship, a sick family member, etc), so your child’s kind deed could make a big difference.

Help with homework

Everyone needs help with their homework once in a while. If your child excels in a subject, have them help one of their friends who may be struggling in that same subject.

Give a friend a high five

Give a friend a high five

This act of kindness encourages your child to celebrate their friends’ accomplishments. Who doesn’t love getting a high five after a job well done?

Write a friendship poem

Words are powerful, especially in poetry. Your child can write a poem to a friend to express how much they value their friendship. It’s a creative act of kindness that’s sure to inspire some smiles.

Help a friend with a project

Is your child’s friend working on a project for school, or a special gift for a family member? If so, they can help their friend make it the best it can possibly be.

Random acts for kindness for neighbours

Random acts for kindness for neighbours

Make cookies for a neighbour

Kids love making and decorating cookies. Have them put a few extra on a plate to share with a neighbour or a friend. You can even add a note card with an uplifting quote.

Take a neighbour’s newspaper or package up to their porch

Newspapers, packages, and other items often get left at the end of the driveway or on lawns, and that puts them at risk of getting soggy or stolen. Kids can gently move them to a safe spot on the porch.

Help with the gardening

Kids can rake a neighbour’s leaves, offer to bag garden waste, or do another small outside chore that may feel hard for someone who is elderly, disabled, pregnant, or overwhelmed.

Give someone a “heart attack”

Have your child cut out paper hearts in various sizes and write sweet notes on them. Tape them to the door of someone who could use cheering up, then ring the doorbell and run.

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