How to get your money’s worth

How to get your money’s worth
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Letting us work ‘by the job’ sometimes means you get less for your money. It can be more cost effective to pay me an hourly rate, especially once your home is in a maintenance mode.

Check out these other money mistakes that are costing you thousands.



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What training? In this economy, a lot of people are turning to housecleaning to pay the bills.

Think our insurance will cover you?

Think our insurance will cover you?
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Hmm, maybe not. Insurance companies expect us to be trained professionals, so if we use the wrong product on your expensive furnishings, the insurance company might deny the claim.

If you have a dog or a cat, make sure you know these cleaning hacks.

Don’t be afraid to keep an eye on us

Don’t be afraid to keep an eye on us
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Come home unexpectedly every once in a while and see what we’re doing. Good housecleaners won’t watch your TV, talk on the phone or eat on your bed.

Make sure you know the signs that your house is vulnerable to being robbed. 

I know more than you think

I know more than you think
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I see the piles of bills marked ‘overdue’ and know you’re having money problems. I find drugs and condom wrappers in kids’ bedrooms. And I can tell who’s unfaithful because the cheaters always start hiding laundry.

Check out these 16 things your neighbour secretly knows about you. 

Don’t be that guy

Don’t be that guy
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I had one client who would clean his house before I would even show up! It just made my job harder, because I had to try to figure out what was clean and what was dirty.

Wealthy people are not my best clients

Wealthy people are not my best clients
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My best clients are people who work for their money, like teachers, bartenders and cops. Rich people think they’re doing you a favour by allowing you to scrub their toilets. Working people understand you are doing them a service by making their lives easier.

I wish you wouldn’t insist on bleach and other harsh cleaners

I wish you wouldn’t insist on bleach and other harsh cleaners
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For almost every situation, there’s an eco-friendly option that’s just as effective. Another green and clean idea is to clean with microfibre cloths.

These house plants will clean the air around you. 

After I leave, check the base of the toilet and the top of the fridge

After I leave, check the base of the toilet and the top of the fridge
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If they’re clean, you know I’m thorough.

How we get hired

How we get hired
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Many cleaning companies do not run any sort of background check or even check references. I answered an ad, I was on time and presentable and I was willing to take the job. That is all most companies care about.

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