The most important nutrients for your age

The most important nutrients for your age
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The best way to get a range of vitamins is to eat a varied diet filled with lots of fruit and veggies. Although getting enough nutrients through your diet is ideal, you might want to consider adding vitamins and supplements after discussing your needs with your doctor. Here are the most important vitamins and minerals for every age group.


Your tween and teen years

Your tween and teen years

These are the years to focus on getting enough vitamin D and calcium, says nutritionist Stephanie Schiff. “We need calcium for bone and muscle growth, but it doesn’t get absorbed as well without vitamin D,” she says. “These are the bone-building years for boys and girls, and if you don’t build enough bone, you will be prone to brittle bones later in life.” Tweens and teens should get 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day and 1,300 mg of calcium per day, according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements. Again, it’s always best to get nutrients from the food we eat. Some tweens and teens may have special needs due to their diet or circumstances, and some foods will be a hard sell. Make it a habit to discuss diet and nutrition with your child’s doctor during their visits.

Your 20s

Your 20s

You still want to keep up with calcium and vitamin D in your 20s, Schiff says. You may need other vitamins or minerals at this age, too, depending on your diet. For example, vegans often need extra vitamin B12, as it is mainly found in animal products, she says. “Food is always better than supplements because, with a supplement, we are just extracting a single nutrient,” she says. “Whole foods contain vitamins, minerals, and fibre – all of which work synergistically.”

Woman pre-pregnancy and pregnancy

Woman pre-pregnancy and pregnancy

For many women, the 20s and 30s “tend to be the childbearing years,” says Dr Suzanne R. Steinbaum, director of Women’s Cardiovascular Prevention, Health and Wellness at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. If you’re planning to get pregnant, start taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid and B-complex. The time to start is before you get pregnant. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube birth defects and other B vitamins help support a healthy pregnancy. Taking these vitamins may also reduce your babies’ autism risk. Women with heavy menstrual periods may need extra iron too, says Dr Steinbaum. And don’t forget calcium and vitamin D.

Your 30s

Your 30s

As a cardiologist, Dr Steinbaum is a big fan of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eating fatty fish such as mackerel or salmon at least twice a week for optimal heart health. This is sage counsel for men and women, says Dr Steinbaum. And your 30s is no time to skimp on your calcium and vitamin D, she says.

Omega-3s are essential for optimum health. But how do you choose when there are so many on the shelf? Read on to find out how to choose the right fish oil.

Your 40s

Your 40s

Vitamin D becomes even more important in your 40s, Dr Steinbaum says. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to a host of diseases – from cancer and autoimmune conditions to diabetes and obesity –  and our risks of many of these tend to increase with advancing age. “Get your blood levels of vitamin D tested to see where you stand and supplement accordingly,” she suggests. This holds for men and women – you may be low and not even know it. It’s almost impossible to get all the D you need from food alone, and many of us don’t get enough sun in the era of sunscreen, so D supplements may be necessary. Calcium matters too, she says. And don’t forget your omega-3s either, as heart disease risk climbs with age for men and women.

Your 50s

Your 50s

Your calcium requirement is 1,200mg during your 50s, and vitamin D is still essential to help your body absorb this important mineral. “Now instead of building bone you are preserving the bone you already have,” Schiff says. It’s important to discuss your specific calcium and vitamin D needs with your doctor, she adds. (Women are at greater risk for the brittle-bone disease osteoporosis than men and may need to take additional measures.) “Talk to your doctor to make sure there are no other issues or contraindications with other medications that may affect how you absorb calcium,” she says.

Women may also be entering menopause during this decade, and certain natural remedies for menopause may help reduce symptoms.

Now discover what supplements heart doctors take.

Your 60s & 70s

Your 60s & 70s

Calcium and vitamin D matter a lot as you get older, such as in your 60s, Schiff says. Make sure you are getting all that you need from food or supplements. “Talk to your doctor about your diet to see if any other vitamins are needed; how and what we eat may change with age,” she says. Heart health is important too, so make sure that you are getting enough omega-3’s, Dr Steinbaum says.

In addition to calcium and vitamin D, you may need some extra B12 during your 70s, Schiff says. “As you get older, it’s harder for your body to make and use B12, and supplements may be needed,” she says. Foods high in B12 include clams, liver and salmon.

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Your 80s & 90s

Your 80s & 90s

Supplemental B12 may be important during your 80s too, Schiff says. Again, keep up with your calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 during your 80s, and make sure to let your doctor know about any changes to your diet or medications.

If you’re in your 90s, keep up whatever you’re doing, as it is likely working if you are enjoying this time of life.

A word of caution

A word of caution

Regardless of your age or stage of life, remember that more isn’t better when it comes to vitamins and minerals, warns osteo Todd Sontag. “Taking too much of any vitamin can be toxic, and in other cases, you will just excrete it in your urine.”

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