Your cat is making bickies on your belly

Your cat is making bickies on your belly
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“Sometimes when you pet your cat, you may notice them stretch out their paws and start rhythmically rubbing the area in front of them, be it a blanket, the rug, or your lap. This behaviour is called ‘kneading,’ and was how they would induce milk from their mother,” says Allison Bean, pet behaviour expert and editorial director for The Spruce Pets. “It means they feel safe, warm, and happy with you.” Leave it to cats to show their love with their claws!


Your rabbit jumps up on the couch

Your rabbit jumps up on the couch
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It takes a lot more effort for a tiny bunny to jump up and sit on your lap than it does for a cat or a dog, so when they do it, it means they really want to be with their favourite human: You! “Some rabbits will hop up on furniture to sit with you or may just stand up on their hind legs to check out what you are doing,” Char says. “Because they love you they’re interested in your activities (and wondering if you might have a treat for them too!).”

Your cat head-butts you

Your cat head-butts you
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Think it’s just football players and hooligans who show affection by smacking skulls? Cats do it too, says Bean. “Called ‘bunting,’ this head-butting behaviour is a way for cats to rub their scent on their favourite objects, including humans,” she explains. “So while it seems (and feels!) weird, this actually means your cat really cares about you.” Check out these four strange cat behaviours and what they mean.

Your dog gives you a high five when you hold your hand up

Your dog gives you a high five when you hold your hand up
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Dogs love to please their humans and nothing makes them happier than when we are happy with them, Dr Chavez says. So when your dog is attentive and obedient to your commands, it’s a clear sign of love and respect, he says.

Your dog chews up your favourite pillow

Your dog chews up your favourite pillow
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At the same time, being disobedient can also show love, Dr Chavez says. “Your dog may resent your absence and will misbehave when you are gone too long,” he explains. It may be frustrating to come home after a long day only to find the garbage tipped over and shredded but just remember he’s acting out because he misses you and he misses you because he loves you! Check out these 14 cleaning hacks every dog or cat owner should know.

Your cat gives you a tongue bath

Your cat gives you a tongue bath
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Cat tongues can feel scratchy and tickly, especially when they won’t stop licking your head, but grooming you is a way your cat shows he cares about you and is trying to take care of you, says Bruce Silverman, DVM and founder of The Critical Animal Relief Foundation. Licking your hair is kind of gross but it’s an unmistakable sign of kitty love, he says.

Your dog carries your stinky shoes around

Your dog carries your stinky shoes around
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Does your dog love your old work shoes? Does he go straight for your used socks by the bed? Or, heaven forbid, does he fish your stained undies out of the dirty laundry? Well, take it as a sign of love, Bean says. “While the idea of cuddling with a smelly gym sneaker is off-putting to us, dogs do it because they want to be reminded of the scent of their favourite human – you!” she explains. Check out the 10 silent signs your healthy dog is actually sick.

Your turtle plays with you

Your turtle plays with you
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“It’s a little harder to describe but I have a red-eared slider turtle who craves interaction when he isn’t craving shrimp,” Dr Silverman says. “He just loves it when I sit next to his massive tank and play with him.” How do turtles show love? There may not be obvious signs but as a pet owner you know, he adds. Find out how to choose the perfect pet for your family.

Your dog rolls over as soon as you walk up

Your dog rolls over as soon as you walk up
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No, your dog isn’t just begging for belly rubs! “Rolling over to expose the stomach is how dogs show they aren’t a threat to strange dogs or other animals,” Bean says. “Doing so around their owner shows that they love and trust you.” OK, and they probably want some good belly scratches too!

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