Play an instrument

Play an instrument
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Too many people think of playing a musical instrument as an all-or-nothing proposition – either you’re the amazing pianist who plays Billy Joel tunes on command at the work party or you haven’t touched a keyboard since sixth grade. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Indulging your musical side can help you be more creative, relax, think through problems and find your state of flow – all without stepping a foot on stage. Never learned? It’s not to late to start lessons!


Eat something you hate

Eat something you hate

Or, rather, eat something you’ve always thought you hated but haven’t actually tried in a while. For instance, Brussels sprouts are the most maligned food by children, but many of us have discovered the subtle and delicious flavours of the vegetables as we’ve grown older (and wiser). Just because you’ve always avoided spicy foods or mushrooms or fruit cake doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy them now.

Learn the 13 popular foods that people hated eating 100 years ago. 

Get an adrenaline rush

Get an adrenaline rush
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Skydiving is the quintessential bucket list cliché, but it’s on everyone’s list for a reason: Nothing makes you so aware of being alive like a (controlled) brush with death. But if jumping out of a plane feels too terrifying, you can always try indoor skydiving, bungee jumping, a giant swing, or just a really tall roller coaster.

Write a poem

Write a poem

Poetry is a highly underrated skill these days but putting words together in a way that has meaning, structure and tickles the tongue is a serious accomplishment. Even if you’re the only one who reads your work, it’s a great way to get your thoughts and feelings out in a more creative way than texting your best friend.

Make a huge mistake

Make a huge mistake
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Fail. Fail big. Obviously this isn’t something you’d likely choose to do on your own but failure is an integral part of living. When it happens you have two options: Try and cover it up and pretend it never happened, or embrace the mistake and learn from it. Always choose the latter.

Go on a ride-along with a police officer

Go on a ride-along with a police officer

Ever wanted to know what it’s like being an officer of the law? Many police departments around the world offer ride-along programs designed to bridge the knowledge gap between cops and those of us who just watch them on TV. A ride-along will give you a better perspective of what being a police officer entails and will foster greater respect for the hard-working men and women in blue. At the very worst, it should be a good deterrent to not commit whatever petty crime you occasionally imagine doing.

Write a love letter

Write a love letter
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A hand-written note expressing your love and devotion is a keepsake that will bring happiness and fond memories for years – something even the best written emoji-laden text or email can’t do.

Enjoy these love letters of famous couples. 

Go to an estate sale

Go to an estate sale

Estate sales can be a gold mine of antique treasures. Or they’re a cautionary tale of what happens to hoarders when they die (i.e. strangers parade through your house mocking your belongings). Either way it’s great inspiration to do some thoughtful curating of your own possessions, while you’re still around to appreciate them.

Check your credit report

Check your credit report

As technology gets smarter, so do the criminals looking to steal your identity and commit fraud in your name. The best way to stop an identity thief? Keep a sharp eye on your credit report.

Organise your closet

Organise your closet

It’s true that no one sees the inside of your closet but you. However, doing a regular and thorough de-junking is as good for your soul as it is for your space. Have a hard time saying good-bye to things? Check out the KonMari method as detailed in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It feels a little silly at first thanking your socks for their faithful service before chucking them in the trash, but it really does help you let go of things that served their purpose.

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