Check their homework

Check their homework
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Just because your child says he did his homework doesn’t mean it’s true. You must check. Every night.


We get jaded too

We get jaded too
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Teaching is not as joyful as it once was for many of us. Disrespectful students and belligerent parents take a toll on us.

Talk to your kids

Talk to your kids
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Parents give their kids the pricey gadgets and labels, but what kids really crave is for you to talk to them. Kids want to know you are interested in their lives.

Here are 10 things about raising girls that mums wish they knew sooner. 

We spend money out of our own pockets

We spend money out of our own pockets
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Teachers often buy things our students need, such as school supplies and even shoes.

Don’t be a helicopter parent

Don’t be a helicopter parent
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Supportive, involved parents are crucial. But some are “helicopter parents” – they hover too much.

Summer isn’t always a picnic

Summer isn’t always a picnic
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Having the summer off is great, but many of us have to take on extra jobs – teaching summer school, tutoring – to make ends meet.

Academics aren’t everything

Academics aren’t everything
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Success is not achieved by just making kids memorise flashcards and prepping them to get into the university they want. Sensible parents know there is a tertiary education for every kid and responsibility and good citizenship are what really drive success.

These are today’s homework excuses

These are today’s homework excuses
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Nobody says “the dog ate my homework” anymore. But we hear a lot of “I left it on the kitchen table.” And then Mum will send in a note to back up the story.

Don’t make us the bad guys

Don’t make us the bad guys
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Don’t ask us to do your dirty work. We wish parents would make their kids own up to their actions instead of pressuring us to bend the rules.

Let your kids make mistakes

Let your kids make mistakes
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We know you mean well, but please stop doing everything for your child and allow them to make mistakes. How else will they learn? Kids are not motivated to succeed because they feel their parents will bail them out every time.

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