Get inspired by others

Get inspired by others
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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and, in this case, also a public service. Being inspired by the many ways others create peace in the world is one of the best ways to get ideas of your own.


Shop at thrift stores

Shop at thrift stores
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Too many of our cheap clothes and household goods are made in sweatshops, perpetuating a cycle of violence and poverty. So instead of heading to the mall or a cheap online store, get your next outfit or set of dishes from a local thrift store or charity shop. You’ll be giving back to your community and helping reduce the dependence on cruel labour practices.

Here are some steps to keep treasured vintage clothing at its best.

Clean out your closet for charity

Clean out your closet for charity

While you’re at that thrift store, you might as well donate a bag of clothes or other gently used items. Not all thrift stores are created equally however so do some research and donate to one that has a proven record of charitable donations and works.

Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it

Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it
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Make today the day you let an old grudge go. Forgiveness is the balm that heals deep wounds but the trick is that you have to offer it freely. Whether or not they deserve it or even want it, it will bring peace to your heart to give it to them. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

Don’t miss these proven steps to truly forgive anyone for anything.

Host a neighbourhood potluck

Host a neighbourhood potluck
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Worldwide peace starts in neighbourhoods just like yours, with people creating a culture of inclusivity. Start a tradition of holding a neighbourhood potluck and be sure to invite not just your friends but everyone, regardless of culture, nationality, race, or economic status. Encourage people to bring a dish with family or cultural significance and share what it means to them.

Stand up for someone else

Stand up for someone else
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It’s all too easy to stand back when someone else is being teased, gossiped about, made fun of, or even threatened but for true peace to exist, we need to stop attacking others. Often it just takes a few calming words or a change of subject to redirect people to a kinder topic of conversation or activity. This includes both real-life interactions and online!

Take a hike

Take a hike

There’s something so peaceful and soothing about being outside, in nature. Not only will your soul feel calmer and your mind quieter but you’ll have an increased appreciation for the Earth – and people who love the Earth will take better care of it.

Find out how walking meditation can improve your mental health.

Start a petition

Start a petition
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Have a brilliant idea (or are a fan of someone else’s idea)? Call your legislators and encourage them to champion it. See something you hate? Start a petition and take it to the people in charge of changing the laws. If you can see a way to make your world a better, more peaceful place, don’t be afraid to take political action. You may be just one person but it only takes one to spark big changes.

Donate books to children

Donate books to children

Children only learn what they are taught and the more you can expose young minds to beautiful and creative ideas through books, the more adults you’ll have in the future who are motivated to create beautiful things and look for creative solutions. Unfortunately, too many children are starved for age-appropriate and fun reading material. Ask a local school if you can buy some books to donate to their library.

Love yourself, honestly

Love yourself, honestly
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People who learn to love themselves, warts and all, are often more accepting of other peoples’ flaws. The point isn’t to become a narcissist but rather to give yourself a break and take care of your own health, mentally and physically. This way you’re better equipped to help others.

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