Thickened cream

Thickened cream

Most milk and milk products like yoghurt are off limits for keto eaters because the natural sugars in dairy can quickly top your carb counts. Thickened cream, however, isn’t a high-carb dairy food, so it’s popular in keto dishes, drinks and more. That doesn’t mean it should be in yours, says dietitian, Emmie Satrazemis. “There is little to no nutrition in this food,” Satrazemis says. Plus, people who are dairy sensitive may find that it doesn’t agree with their stomach, adds Satrazemis adds.

Here are some foods you think are dairy-free, but aren’t.


Keto snacks and packaged foods

Keto snacks and packaged foods

The food products market is brimming with new products aimed to please the palates of keto eaters who miss sweets, snacks and foods that are just too high in carbs for everyday eating. But just because they’re touted as keto-friendly specifically doesn’t mean a keto eater should buy them.

“Anything that contains more food-like substances than actual food is not really worth it to me – unless they are satisfying a serious craving,” Satrazemis says. “If I can’t visualise the ingredients and process of making it myself at home, I tend to skip it. These options may fit my macros, but they can be low in nutritional value and tend to not satiate me the same way whole foods do.”

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