Australian shepherd lovers: Outdoorsy

Australian shepherd lovers: Outdoorsy

The quintessential herding dog, if you love Australian shepherd dogs, it makes sense that you would like to spend your days outside too. “While you may not be herding sheep, you like to run and hike,” explains Dr Theresa Fossum. “The standard joke is that these dogs only shed twice a year, six months at a time – so you likely are that person who likes to vacuum on a regular basis.”

On the other hand, here are 25 dog breeds that don’t shed that much.


Afghan hound lovers: Elegant

Afghan hound lovers: Elegant

These dogs with luscious locks just scream beauty and grace. But despite the Afghan hound’s exquisite appearance, the breed can be very loyal and goofy. “These are the elegant dogs of the dog world,” says Fossum. “If you own one you are likely elegant too – and perhaps a bit pampered and aloof. You definitely like pretty things that take some effort.”

Pitbull lovers: Versatile

Pitbull lovers: Versatile

Pitbulls get a bad rap. Easily misunderstood, they are associated with aggression, yet many Pitbulls are actually quite friendly and loving. They are agile, active, but also like to lounge on the couch. If you adore this breed, you love to equally run kilometres a day and Netflix and chill, according to Josh Godoy and Bethany Wilson of The Puppy Academy.

Border Collie lovers: Loyal

Border Collie lovers: Loyal
Getty Images

Who doesn’t love Border Collies? This breed is known for their devotion to their human, always looking for approval from who they love most and staying loyal their whole lives. “There’s no meandering over to random strangers just to receive the latest treats, they’ll look to me for approval first,” says Charli Burbidge, co-founder of Petz and proud Border Collie owner.

See which breeds besides Border Collies are considered the fastest dogs in the world.

Terrier lovers: ???

Terrier lovers: ???

Perhaps the biggest surprise of all: If you’ve got a terrier, you just might be a mystery – studies show no standout personality traits.

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