Weighted front lunge kick

Weighted front lunge kick

Holding the dumbbells at your side, step your right foot forward into a lunge position; make sure that your ears, shoulders, and hips are stacked and that you are creating a 90-degree angle with your right knee. Step back up from the lunge and then kick your right leg out in front of you. To modify, reduce the range of motion, or do the move without weights. After one set, switch legs.


Relevé squats

Relevé squats

In a squat position with your hands pressed together in front of your chest, sink into the bottom of a wide squat. Lift your right heel, then return it to the ground. Now lift your left heel, and return it to the ground. Finally, lift both heels simultaneously, return to the start position, and then start over. For the entire exercise, stay low at the bottom of the squat (to modify, simply don’t go down as far).

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Source: RD.com

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