You may lose a few kilos

You may lose a few kilos
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Red meat is dense in kilojoules Cut it out of your daily diet and you could see a lower number on the scale. “Most portions of meat are more than the actual protein requirement,” says naturopath Dr Sally Warren. “An 85g serving of beef can be around 710 kJ. But a portion of beans can be around 418 kJ and tofu around 295 kJ.”

It may not seem like a huge difference at first, but it can add up over time. A 2015 review article in the Journal of General Internal Medicine reported that people on a vegetarian diet lost more weight than those on a non-vegetarian diet. And vegans shed more weight than people who still ate eggs and dairy products.

You’ll be less acidic

You’ll be less acidic
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Healthy bodies need a good pH balance. But much of the modern convenience diet today is comprised of acid-forming foods, including red meat. “Red meat produces a high acidic load for the body to absorb and neutralise,” explains Warren. “Plus, high acidity in the body creates the perfect environment for disease. Add stress and poor sleep to the mix and you’ve lowered your resistance to high-mortality illnesses like cancer and diabetes.”

Don’t miss these easy ways to sneak veggies into your diet.

You may feel less bloated

You may feel less bloated
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The body digests red meat more slowly than it does other foods, which is why you may feel constipation, abdominal pain, and increased gas after a jumbo steak dinner.

While you may experience some indigestion right after you cut out red meat, it’s mainly the result of eating more healthy, fibre-rich foods. In the long-term, you’ll add healthy bacteria in your gut, which could lower body-wide inflammation and make you feel less bloated to boot. In fact, a 2015 study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that vegetarians had lower rates of inflammation than meat eaters.

Check out these surprising reasons your belly is bloated.

Your skin might improve

Your skin might improve
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Clear skin begins on the inside. Load up on fruits and vegetables, which also happen to be loaded with vitamins like A, C, and E that are known to fight blemish-causing free radicals.

Your cholesterol levels may drop

Your cholesterol levels may drop
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Cut out red meat and you’ll reduce the amount of saturated fats, which have been linked to higher cholesterol levels. Australian health guidelines recommend getting no more than ten per cent of your daily calories from saturated fat. This balance reduces the risk of having high cholesterol, which can lead to the build-up of plaque in artery walls, says Warren. “This build-up is called atherosclerosis, which can lead to coronary artery disease (CAD), heart attack, stroke, or transient ischemic attack (TIA) and peripheral arterial disease, says Warren. While high cholesterol can be linked to your genes, trimming out red meat will go a long way toward helping reduce your body’s levels.

Read on for everything you need to know about cholesterol.

You could slash your risk for certain cancers

You could slash your risk for certain cancers
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Ban beef and you may sidestep colon or bowel cancer, especially if they run in your family. “Diets high in saturated fat have been associated with increased inflammation within the body, and chronic inflammation has been linked to the development of cancer,” says Warren.

In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified red meat as a possible carcinogen, meaning it could possibly cause cancer. “There have been reports linking a high intake of red meat to increased risk of cancer, particularly colon cancer,” says Dr Adrienne Youdin.

A 2019 study in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that eating an average of 76 grams of red or processed meat a day was associated with a 20 per cent higher chance of developing colorectal cancer as compared to consuming only about 21 grams a day.

Cooking red meat at high temperatures triggers the production of several compounds that may cause bowel cancer in people with a genetic predisposition. Processed red meat, like hot dogs and sausage, also have nitrites, both naturally and as added preservatives. Nitrates are thought to contribute to cancer.

You could reduce your risk of serious diseases

You could reduce your risk of serious diseases
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Taking red meat off the menu could reduce the risk of multiple diseases. “Red meat can contain high amounts of saturated fat, which is linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes,” says Warren.

A 2018 study in the European Heart Journal found red meat consumption produces a compound that may raise the risk of heart attacks. Carnitine, which causes the body to produce Trimethylamine-N-oxid (TMAO), a compound produced by bacteria in the stomach, appears to correlate with risk. “Researchers believe that it affects the body’s metabolism of cholesterol, which leads to enhanced development of plaque on blood vessel walls, and can increase risk of heart disease,” Warren says.

Beef eaters may also be courting Alzheimer’s disease. A 2017 study published in the British Medical Journal blamed the link on excessive iron accumulation from too much red meat in the diet.

You may have more energy

You may have more energy

“We need a healthy heart, a healthy digestive system, and a healthy mind and body for good energy,” explains Warren. Swapping red meat for healthier foods, such as beans, plant-based fats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, can result in higher energy levels.

You’ll help the environment

You’ll help the environment
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Raising animals for food requires massive amounts of land, feed, energy, and water. A staggering 51 per cent or more of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture, according to a report published by the Worldwatch Institute. Each year the livestock sector produces 59 million tonnes of cattle and buffalo meat globally and 11 million tonnes of meat from sheep and goats. In 2019, Australians consumed 92.57 kilograms of meat per person. For most countries, on average, people consume between 65kg to 90kg of meat per person per year.

Read on for some useful tips on how to cut down on food waste.

You may fall short on certain nutrients

You may fall short on certain nutrients

Though it’s possible to make up for the lost protein in your diet, some nutrients do come mainly from red meat­ – and you may start running low on them if you don’t supplement.

One key family of nutrients is B vitamins, mostly vitamin B12, and also the mineral iron. If you still eat shellfish, one kilogram of cooked clams can supply as much B12 as beef. Other good sources are tofu and soy products, fish, cheese, and eggs. Some experts still recommend popping a supplement for insurance. “Taking supplements, including a high quality B12, can ensure that you’re getting the correct daily dosage,” says Dr Warren.

Many people, even those who do eat red meat are deficient in magnesium. That’s because today’s soil is low in magnesium, so plant-based diets are no longer supplying as much of this important mineral. Even in meat, the cattle grazed on pasture or fed hay or grass pellets are not getting as much as is required to maintain a healthy daily level. Take a supplement with magnesium and vitamin D3. Also add probiotics, which provide important friendly bacteria to help the gut digest and absorb food.

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Source: RD Canada

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