Rule breakers have more fun…

Rule breakers have more fun…
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…but not during COVID-19. Now more than ever, it’s important to follow the specific guidelines set by health experts to protect both yourself and others from the virus. But what should you do if you happen to run into a rule breaker, whether they be intentional about it or not? Keeping these tips in mind will ensure a smooth transition into the post-coronavirus world we find ourselves living in.

After, read up on these 10 facts that will convince you to wear a mask.

Use your words

Use your words
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Sometimes, the most simple solutions are the ones that are the most often overlooked. If someone is breaking social distancing rules around you, explain to them why you would rather follow the guidelines. “Back up [your reasoning] with facts,” says psychotherapist Jennifer Tomko. “Sometimes education can help change someone’s mind.” Although this approach may not always work, as Tomko notes, it’s worth a try before deciding whether or not to remove yourself from the situation.

Read what doctors want you to know about wearing masks.

Avoid direct confrontation

Avoid direct confrontation
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In handling uncomfortable situations such as this one, it’s always best to be polite. Using a kind tone of voice rather than a harsh one can go a long way. “The best advice when dealing with social distance rule breakers is to assume (or at least pretend) the infraction is innocent and not malicious and to use a tone that’s non-judgemental and value-neutral,” says Nick Leighton, an etiquette expert. Tomko agrees: “Try to reserve your impulse to harshly correct others. This often just turns into a conflict.” Kill them with kindness!

Here are 25 etiquette mistakes you need to stop making by the time you’re 30.

Give the benefit of the doubt

Give the benefit of the doubt
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While it’s true that some people have decided to not wear masks or social distance to make a statement, that’s not the case for every person sans face protection. “For people who aren’t wearing masks or stand too close or go to a friend’s house, they aren’t all trying to prove something. It could be simply that they forgot to get their mask, which is lying on the passenger seat in their car,” explains Jennifer Lynn, an etiquette and elegance expert. “Or maybe if they aren’t social distancing it is because it’s not natural for them and they keep forgetting. A gentle reminder is all that is needed and if they resist, then it’s on you to diffuse the situation by either walking away or moving on.”

Do you know which 13 etiquette rules even experts don’t follow anymore?

Don’t do it all on your own

Don’t do it all on your own
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If you’re in a professional setting, it’s often best to report issues to management rather than try to deal with fellow employees or colleagues on your own. Certain places of work are even implementing policies where you don’t need to report rule breakers by name. Rather, tell your boss that someone in the workspace may not be following proper guidelines. “Employees are more willing to come forward if they can report a problem without outing a co-worker,” says Taylor McCarthy Hansen, co-founder of The Ecomm Manager. “If the problem is an employee not using sanitiser and putting his hands everywhere, then I remind everyone to sanitise their station and refrain from physical contact.”

Take a step back

Take a step back
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And we mean literally. If you’re in a situation where someone isn’t respecting the 1.5-metre rule, take either a physical step back or if that doesn’t work, cross your arms and lean back with your body. “This will subtly give other people a hint that you don’t want to be too close,” says Lynn. Body language is especially important since it’s difficult to read facial expressions due to masks. We’re taking the phrase “body talk” to a whole new level.

These 13 etiquette rules have changed in the last decade.

Only focus on what you can control

Only focus on what you can control
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The pandemic isn’t just a trying time for our physical health; it’s also taking a toll on our mental health, as well. Reminding yourself to only focus on the things in your control will make for a happier and healthier brain. “Remember, we have no control over other people’s decisions,” reminds Tomko. “So spare yourself the frustration of other people’s behaviours by knowing that you are doing your best to stay safe, and that’s the best you can do.” We could all use a little positive reinforcement right about now.

Just walk away

Just walk away
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These boots are made for walkin’…away from coronavirus rule breakers. “If you’re in a situation where you feel unsafe, it is acceptable to remove yourself as diplomatically as possible,” says lawyer Ken Eulo. Lynn backs this up, explaining, “If you can move away yourself, then do so. It is not worth it right now to be stubborn and force people to change.” So if at all possible, turn on that heel and walk the other way.

These are 12 etiquette rules that should be taught in schools – but aren’t.

Don’t take things personally

Don’t take things personally
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Remember that this is an unprecedented time. If somebody is breaking a social distancing rule, chances are they’re not doing it with malicious intent to harm you. The same thing goes for those that are following the rules and don’t go in for the usually typical hug or handshake. “We as a society are so accustomed to greeting people with a handshake, hug, or kiss on the cheek. We won’t be doing that anymore, at least not in the near future. Don’t interpret this as people being rude or unfriendly,” says Tomko. It’s not all about you.

Here are the coronavirus conspiracy theories you shouldn’t believe.

Take the lead

Take the lead
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These crazy times can often make for awkward encounters. By taking the lead in a conversation or interaction and portraying a sense of confidence and safety, you’ll make the other person in the situation feel that much better. “It’s still important to greet others professionally. Make great eye contact as soon as possible, stop at a safe distance, smile, and acknowledge the awkwardness of the situation,” says Anne Corley Baum, a business etiquette expert. “Introduce yourself, smile, nod, and move on to the business at hand. When you take charge of the situation, it puts the other person at ease, demonstrates confidence, and helps what could be an uncomfortable situation move forward smoothly.”

Be compassionate

Be compassionate
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Above all else, being compassionate and patient with both yourself and others is of the utmost importance during this time. Frame your thinking around this timeless quote: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” “Have compassion for those who are not following the guidelines,” says Dr Diane Thompson, a behavioural health specialist. “They may not be able to do so due to a disability or lack of understanding – we don’t know their story.” Lynn agrees, saying, “Be patient in a time like this, always give the benefit of the doubt, and stop feeling that there needs to be someone or something to hate. Your anger and impatience will rub off on others and it’s important to spread love and appreciation.” Outweigh the negativity of the COVID-19 crisis by responding with a positive attitude. It sounds cheesy, but it really will make a world of difference.

Before going to visit a friend, make sure to read up on these 14 etiquette rules to follow when visiting friends during a pandemic.

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