Kids games to help you burn kilojoules

Kids games to help you burn kilojoules
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The fun games you loved as a kid are still serious kilojoule-torching workouts.

Skipping rope

Skipping rope
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Skipping ropes are easy to tuck into a purse or beach bag for a spontaneous workout. The kilojoule burn will vary depending on your pace. If you’re skipping fewer than 100 skips per minute or using a two-footed skip by alternating your feet, an average 70-kilo woman can expect to burn 44 kilojoules per minute, or 2640 kilojoules an hour. If you want an extra challenge, trainer Tricia Somma says to try a weighted rope. This has the added bonus of also helping you build muscle. Using a skipping rope on a soft surface like sand reduces the impact of landing on your joints, while also forcing your body to exert more energy to launch off the ground, which increases your overall kilojoules burn.

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Hula hooping

Hula hooping

This hip-engaging activity has had a resurgence in recent years, with fitness experts advocating for the old-fashioned game that can burn up to 29 kilojoules per minute or 1740 kilojoules per hour. Whether you hula hoop to music or to your own rhythm, this fun physical activity can be done almost anywhere.

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Roller skating

Roller skating
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Depending on the intensity, getting around in wheeled footwear will burn between 1736 and 3686 kilojoules per hour. Somma emphasises the importance of wearing safety gear. “A helmet, safety pads, and wrist guards are not just for kids,” she says. “Protect yourself and limit your risk of scrapes, bumps, and broken bones. Stay on recreational paths for a smoother ride and pay attention to your surroundings.”


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Prefer a board? Skateboarding can be a great way to get where you need to go and provide an excellent workout – 1498 kilojoules per hour, to be exact, for an average 70-kilogram woman. Somma recommends seeking out hills to increase the overall intensity and kilojoule burn. Don’t forget your helmet and safety padding, and watch out for sidewalk cracks and bumps!

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Goofy hopscotch rhyming aside, just a one-minute round of hopscotch will burn 29 kilojoules and torch 1736 kilojoules in a single hour. Not interested in sticking to a hopscotch court? Skipping will net you a similar kilojoule burn. Just ignore the weird looks – you’re smoking some serious kilojoules!

Dodge ball/tetherball

Dodge ball/tetherball
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Not only is this a great cardio workout, but the throwing/hitting action in these two games will give you a solid arm and core workout as well; an hour-long game will net you a kilojoule burn of 1736. Many community gyms and YMCAs have adult dodge ball programs, so you can make new friends or have yours join in too.

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Bike riding

Bike riding
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While the kilojoule burn can vary quite a bit based on effort, bike riding is a great cardio and leg workout. Leisurely biking on the road will burn 1050 kilojoules an hour, but if you detour to a dirt road or path, your kilojoule burn will bump up to 1736 kilojoules an hour. Add in hills for more intensity, and don’t forget the helmet!

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The trick with swimming is to keep moving, says Somma. “The faster you swim, the more kilojoules you burn,” she says. A leisurely swim will net you 1800 kilojoules burned in an hour, while a faster pace will boost the burn. Looking to just chat with friends? Try treading water to keep a slow and steady kilojoule burn going. A 15-minute conversation while treading water can help you burn an additional 263 kilojoules.

Playing catch

Playing catch
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There’s no more classic childhood pastime than an old-fashioned game of catch. Luckily, this easy backyard activity can also do double duty as a workout, burning 749 kilojoules per hour. Feeling a little competitive? “Switching to a game of softball or baseball will double your kilojoule burn,” says Somma.

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Kicking a ball around

Kicking a ball around
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If throwing sports aren’t your style, consider playing pass with a kickball or soccer ball, which can burn up to 900 kilojoules in an hour. Want more? “Make it a game,” says Somma. “A casual game of soccer or switching to kickball will up the kilojoule burn more than double to 2100 kilojoules per hour.”

Jumping on a trampoline

Jumping on a trampoline
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Low impact workout, high kilojoule burn! At 1050 kilojoules an hour, this fun childhood activity is great for working out your legs, hip stabilisers, and core. Remember, while it may be fun to jump around with others, the injury risk is increased when you have multiple jumpers on a trampoline, so it’s important to keep your wits about you.

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