If you have a heart-shaped face…

If you have a heart-shaped face…

…You’re wild in the bedroom. A heart-shaped face might mean something about your sex life, according to a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.  Men and women with shorter, wider faces reported being more sexually motivated and having a stronger sex drive than people with faces of other dimensions, the researchers found.

Want to improve your sex life? Here are some simple tips.

If you have a square face…

If you have a square face…

…You’re a CEO whose dream job is in the WWE. Men with broad foreheads and square faces were more likely to be perceived as aggressive, dominant and unethical, according to the ASB study. This combination of ruthless drive and risk-taking makes for good leaders, like CEOs, but would be equally appropriate in the wrestling ring.

Don’t miss these signs of passive-aggressive behaviour.

If you have a round face…

If you have a round face…

…You might snore like a chainsaw in a tunnel. Round faces may look more innocent, but they’re also more likely to drive you nuts at bedtime. People with round face shapes are more prone to snoring, even after accounting for age, sex and obesity, according to a study done by Case Western Reserve University. Fact: nearly half of adults snore; so even if your face is long and thin, you’re not off the hook.

This is what you need to know if you or your partner snore too much.

If you have a diamond-shaped face…

If you have a diamond-shaped face…

…You’d make an awesome neighbour. Do people often tell you that you just seem dependable and upright? Chances are you have a face shape and features considered “average”, which often means a diamond-shaped face, with prominent cheekbones, and a narrower jawline and chin. People trust those with average faces more than people with unique features, even if they consider those other people to look very beautiful or strong, according to a study published in Psychological Science. It may have an evolutionary explanation, helping keep people with their tribe.

If you have an oval-shaped face…

If you have an oval-shaped face…

…You could win beauty pageants. Having an average-looking mug might make people want to be your best friend but if you want them to drool over you, it’s better to have a face shape and structure that is slightly different than what is considered typical for your culture, the same study found.

Check out these signs your face is ageing faster than you are.

If you have a rectangular face…

If you have a rectangular face…

…You’re a strong, powerful leader. People with traditionally “strong” faces – high cheekbones, wide foreheads, and prominent jaws – are seen as being more powerful and in control than people with longer, narrower faces, according to a study published in Psychological Science. And this bears out in the real world. The researchers found that companies headed by people with this face shape were more financially successful than companies with long-faced CEOs.

If you have big eyes…

If you have big eyes…

…Your life’s motto is “go along to get along.” If you have high eyebrows combined with a short forehead, you’re more likely to be agreeable, according to a Chinese study in Psychology Today. Raised eyebrows and wide eyes are typically associated with openness so it makes sense that people who have these features naturally would be presumed to be willing to please.

Want to be more agreeable at work? Here’s how to get along with work colleagues.

If you have a heart-shaped face…

If you have a heart-shaped face…

…You’re a people person. Introversion and extroversion are often considered a core piece of someone’s personality, defining what they enjoy and how they make relationships. And you may be able to read this trait in their face, say the Chinese scientists. Women who have a more protruding nose and lips, a recessive chin and smaller jaw muscles are seen as more outgoing and extroverted while those with a flatter nose and more prominent jaw may be natural introverts.

If you have a rectangular or diamond-shaped face…

If you have a rectangular or diamond-shaped face…

…You might need anger management classes. Observers shown pictures of men were able to gauge how aggressive each man was simply by looking at their face – even if they saw the picture for less than one second, according to research done by Brock University. The men had been previously ranked for aggressive behaviour and the volunteers’ visual assessments correlated highly with those rankings. The big tip-off? How wide the man’s face was; the wider the face, the more aggressive they were presumed to be.

Don’t miss these relationship habits you think are loving, but are actually dangerous.

If you have an oval face…

If you have an oval face…

…You’re good at seeing the big picture. Strangely, your face shape may also be correlated with your problem-solving and focusing skills, according to the Psychological Science research. People with faces that are nearly equal in width and height are more likely to be perceived as powerful and those who feel powerful tend to look at the big picture rather than focusing on small details and are also better at staying on task, the scientists noted.

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Source: RD.com

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