Shower singing

Shower singing
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Everyone sounds better in the shower. It’s a scientific fact. (And if it’s not, it should be.) So take advantage of the solitude, moist air and good acoustics, and let out your inner rock star or opera singer. There’s no one to judge you but the soap dish.


Clearing your email inbox

Clearing your email inbox
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Email is a wonderful modern convenience. It’s also a huge pain in the butt. Once people know they can contact you anytime, any place, they do. Not to mention the bills, the coupons and the mountain of spam emails we all get daily. This can make checking your email feel like a terrible chore. Cleaning out your inbox, all the way down to zero, feels incredibly freeing.

Snapping a pretty picture

Snapping a pretty picture
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Most of us carry high-tech cameras in our pockets every day, yet we’re so absorbed with the text on our phones we forget to look at all the little moments of beauty surrounding us. Next time you’re out and about, take a moment to notice a crinkly leaf, a rainbow-coloured oil slick, a shimmer of raindrops on your windshield or any number of little artworks and snap a quick picture to remember it. (Whether or not you post it or share it with anyone is entirely up to you!) Meanwhile, here are 9 other smart uses for your mobile phone camera.

New toothpaste

New toothpaste
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Having good hygiene is just part and parcel of being a functioning adult. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. And what is more satisfying than trashing your old, squished up, crusty tube of toothpaste and opening a fresh new tube? That first pearl of toothpaste is always so perfect.

The smell and feel of warm laundry

The smell and feel of warm laundry
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Putting on a sweatshirt fresh out of the dryer is the closest thing to a hug you can get without another person. It’s especially delightful after coming in out of the rain or snow.

The satisfying smack of a high-five

The satisfying smack of a high-five
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Whether you’re the one offering the congratulations or receiving the kudos, a high-five is an outward symbol of something good, your little reward for being the awesome human you are. Plus it just feels good to smack your hand together with someone else’s.

Petting a kitten

Petting a kitten
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The soft silky fur of a kitten is tailor-made for petting. And when their little purring motor turns on? It’s a little slice of heaven as they snuggle into your lap. Make sure you’re petting the right way though – here are 13 things you do that your cat actually hates.

A crisp apple

A crisp apple
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Autumn is the first bite of a crunchy apple – the pop in your mouth, the juice on your chin, the subtle sweetness on your tongue. And with year-round orchards growing varieties that didn’t even exist a decade ago, you don’t have to wait until the leaves are falling to enjoy a good crunch.

The merry popping of popcorn

The merry popping of popcorn
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Popcorn seems like such a happy food, bouncing around until it explodes. The noise signals something good is coming and the smell is tantalising. (Unless you burn it and then it’s the worst smell ever. Don’t burn popcorn.) The best part is it is the perfect canvas for almost any kind of topping you can think of – cinnamon sugar, jalapeno cheddar, barbecue, vinegar, or the classic butter and salt. Ever wondered why popcorn pops? Find out here.

Cracking open a new book

Cracking open a new book
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From the seamless purchasing to the instant delivery, e-readers like Kindles and tablets make so many things easier for bibliophiles. One thing they can’t do however is match the incomparable experience of opening a new book. Whether it’s brand new with freshly inked pages and a stiff spine or just new to you, holding a book in your hand and feeling the weight of it is half the fun of reading it. Want to start a book club? Here’s how.

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