With about 20 vowel sounds, 25 consonant sounds, and numerous irregularities in spellings and pronunciations, English can be a tricky language for foreigners to learn. If you're struggling to [...]
These ‘garden path sentences’ will make you rip your hair out.
Ever heard of a pangram? These fun examples will have you cracking up – you might even try to come up with your own!
Here are some of our favourite – and trickiest – words explained.
Next time you're pondering whether to use “who’s” or “whose”, we've got you covered.
Only the smartest will get all of these right!
Bad first impressions are a fact of life. The good news is, with hard work and consistency, you can recover and show the true you. Here's how.
If you think English idioms sound weird, try wrapping your mind around these strange phrases from other countries.
Just because the thesaurus lists two words as synonyms doesn't mean that you can simply slot one in for the other. Learn the most common mistakes.
We all want to sound smarter. With these fancy words, you can take your vocabulary to a whole new level and impress everyone.
Wordle is the new viral trend on your Facebook feed – here's everything you need to know.
Good news: These are all words! Bad news: Language snobs will scoff if you use them – so you’ll have to politely correct them.
Humans already talk to their pets in baby voices, so why not throw in a few of these ridiculously hilarious words as well?
Bet you didn’t know THIS when you learned your ABCs.
Can you guess which one it is?