Avoid the water cooler (conversations)

Avoid the water cooler (conversations)

As the boss, you’re privy to confidential information that could hurt or help your employees, and while the temptation to engage in a little office water cooler gossip is real, you have a responsibility to stay out of the interpersonal dramas. Gossiping, encouraging fighting, and sharing (or hoarding) secrets all create a toxic office environment which can lose you good employees, Salemi says.

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Make sure your praise outweighs your criticisms

Make sure your praise outweighs your criticisms

Giving regular feedback, both positive and critical, is just part of a manager’s job, but a really stellar leader will take the time to give each employee clear and specific feedback through the year about what they are doing well and what they could do better, Green says. “You shouldn’t shy away from saying hard truths but overall your employees should hear much more positive than negative feedback from you,” she adds.

Make eye contact and keep an open posture

Make eye contact and keep an open posture

Personal interactions are at a premium in our high-tech world, which makes those in-person moments even more important when they do happen. Looking someone in the eyes while they’re speaking may seem like a small thing but it’s hugely important, says Robin Schwartz, professional in human resources at MFG Jobs. Maintaining steady (but not creepy) eye contact shows you are paying attention and you value the other person’s time.

Check out 8 ways you can use body language to build trust.

Keep your cool in tense situations

Keep your cool in tense situations

A company is only as good as the people that work there, so valuing and keeping good employees is a top priority of great bosses, Green says. One way they do this is to always treat everyone with dignity and respect even when tempers flare. “A manager who yells, disparages people, shoots the messenger or expects you not to have a life outside of work is failing at one of the most important tests of a manager,” she says. “Good managers know that good employees have options and that they won’t stay long in a workplace that mistreats them.”

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Source: RD.com

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