Serve up raw vegetables

Instead of roasting winter veggies, eat them raw. Pumpkin, beetroot, parsnips, and celeriac make great salads and coleslaws. Since root vegetables are sturdy, grate them. If they’re still too crispy for comfort, marinate them for a half hour or longer in a vinaigrette.
Avoid putting these organic groceries in your shopping trolley – they’re not worth the money!
Prep Brussels sprouts in the food processor

The machine does the job in a few pulses, and the small pieces will grill in about half the time. Plus, you get more of the delicious crispy bits that I can’t get enough of (just ask my daughters).
Whip up a summer soup

Some soups need to simmer for hours, but cold soups, such as gazpacho, involve simply putting ingredients in a blender and turning it on. So underrated.