Start with heat

Before doing anything else, turn on the oven, crank up the grill, preheat a frying pan and set water to boil. Appliances, pots, pans and water take time to get hot. Boiling water is always my first move.
Don’t dirty an extra dish

Use kitchen scissors to chop cooked or tender raw vegetables (especially greens) right in the bowl or pan.
These are the foods you’re spoiling by putting in the fridge.
Speed up your washing time

Put all the produce together in a colander and rinse under cold water. (If you have a large amount, wash in batches, putting what’s done on towels.) During downtime while cooking, wash vegetables used toward the end of a recipe. Rinse foods like carrots and cabbage after they’ve been trimmed or peeled.
Find out more about these 11 healthy, high-fat foods you should be eating.