Flaky scalp

Flaky scalp
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Possible deficiency: fatty acids

If you notice that you’ve got flakes raining down after you scratch your head, you automatically think dandruff. But it may also be because you’re not getting enough healthful fatty acids in your diet. “Essential fatty acids, like omega-3s, are a lubricant for our body,” explains dietitian Staci Small. Without it, you’ll go dry. Make sure to eat two fish meals per week to get in omega-3s, she says. Other fatty acids, like alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), are also important. Find these in walnuts and flaxseeds.


Thin, brittle hair

Thin, brittle hair

Possible deficiency: B vitamins

You hear all about how important the B vitamin biotin is for strong, healthy hair, and that’s true. However, running low on folate (also called folic acid) may also cause thin, brittle strands, says Small. Folate is often found in enriched grains like bread and cereal. Even one cup of white rice is an excellent source. But if you’ve been cutting out carbohydrates because you’re aiming to lose weight, you may be missing out without careful planning. Grains aren’t a must, though. A cup of raw spinach is a good source, says Small; a cup of cooked asparagus will give you 60 per cent of your daily quota.

Read on for thinning hair, dandruff and more hair mysteries explained.

A greying part

A greying part
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Possible deficiency: copper

If your part is looking unexpectedly silver lately, check your copper intake. “Copper plays a role in melanin production, which is what gives hair its colour,” says dietitian, Olivia Wagner. Consider getting your copper levels tested if your hair is going grey quickly or surprisingly early (like in your 20s without a family history). Organ meats, seafood, nuts and seeds as well as dark leafy greens are all go-to sources, says the Australian Dietary Guidelines.

Check out these sneaky reasons your hair is going grey too soon.

Cracks and sores in your mouth

Cracks and sores in your mouth

Possible deficiency: B12

If your body needs more B12, you may notice that you’re getting ulcer-like lesions in your mouth or cracks on the sides. “I see people come in with this who have a B12 deficiency,” says Wagner. To correct that, she’ll look into a possible supplement, as well as advise adding more B12 sources into the diet. Get more poultry, (lean) red meat, and eggs. If you’re vegetarian, it’s a bit more of a challenge, but it’s doable with fortified foods, like non-dairy milk, cereal, and nutritional yeast.

Bumps on the backs of arms

Bumps on the backs of arms
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Possible deficiency: zinc and vitamin A

If your arms aren’t super smooth (a condition called keratosis pilaris) but you don’t know why and treating the bumps isn’t working well, something could be missing from your diet. “Many patients have these little red bumps that don’t itch. I always look at their zinc and vitamin A levels,” says Small. That’s because both nutrients are vital for maintaining skin health, and play key roles in wound repair. To get enough, you can find zinc in poultry, hummus, and pumpkin seeds. Get vitamin A from sweet potatoes and rockmelon.

Find out which vitamins you need at every age.

Fingernail ridges

Fingernail ridges
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Possible deficiency: stomach acid

Having inadequate stomach acid doesn’t seem like a vitamin issue, but it can prevent you from breaking down nutrients in food and fully absorbing the vitamins and minerals you need. One possible cause: taking an over-the-counter heartburn medication, which will decrease your stomach acid, says Small. Some people find that taking some apple cider vinegar with water with a meal or taking a digestive enzyme (available as a supplement) can help. Bonus: “This can cut down on bloating after eating,” she says.


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Possible deficiency: vitamin D

Being tired all the time, despite getting adequate sleep, is a red flag that your D is chronically low. “After people get more vitamin D, it’s amazing to hear them say they have so much more energy,” says Small. To fit more D into your diet, go for fortified dairy (yoghurt, milk), non-dairy (almond or soy milk), certain fish (sardines), and even mushrooms grown under UV light.

Bruising on your legs

Bruising on your legs
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Possible deficiency: vitamin C

If you merely bump into something and wind up with an enormous bruise, consider if you’re getting enough C. Vitamin C helps make collagen, which is involved in making blood vessels. Bruising often “may be a sign that you have weakened capillaries that allow you to bruise,” says Small. What’s more, stress saps your supply of vitamin C, meaning you may need more than you think. Strawberries, broccoli, and mango are all foods that have more C than an orange.

Do you tend to bruise easily? Here are the likely reasons why.

Calf cramps

Calf cramps
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Possible deficiency: magnesium or calcium

As an electrolyte, magnesium plays an important role, along with calcium, in muscle contraction. “Getting what you need can make a world of difference,” says Small. She recommends food sources such as pumpkin seeds, bananas, and avocados for magnesium. As for calcium, fortified non-dairy milk often contains more than its cow milk counterpart.


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Possible deficiency: fibre and magnesium

Being backed up (having fewer than three bowel movements per week) has at least a dozen possible causes. A couple of common ones: a lack of fibre in the diet and being low on magnesium, a mineral that plays a role in moving stool along, says Wagner. Along with eating more magnesium-rich foods, you may also consider a 120 mg supplement of magnesium citrate and increasing until regularity improves, she advises. And don’t forget the fibre!

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Source: RD.com

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