Cleaning experts are calling out these popular cleaning “hacks” that are obsolete or never did the job in the first place!
Some products made specifically to be used in the bathroom should definitely not be stored in the bathroom. Here's why.
Before you attempt to DIY a power problem in your home, be sure to read what these electricians have to say.
Need to make some room in the freezer? When in doubt, throw it out.
Your home is one of your biggest purchases, so it makes sense that you'd want to protect your investment. Read on to learn about 10 surprising things that decrease a home's property value.
If you’re working from home for the foreseeable future, it’s important for your physical and mental health to have a healthy workspace.
We might feel unproductive during lockdowns, but these life hacks we’ve learnt say otherwise.
No matter how much you plan, these always slip through the cracks.
Stuck at home? Do these things to get through a quarantine healthier, happier and smarter!
The sponge and the sink are obvious culprits, but new research shows that other everyday kitchen objects harbour germs that can cause foodborne illnesses – or worse.
A decent washer and dryer should last at least 10 years. If you're committing these maintenance mistakes, however, you could be cutting their lifespan short.
Learn how to fold clothes with Marie Kondo's folding method.
If you're only using butter on your toast, you're tapping just a fraction of its potential! Check out these clever uses for butter around the house.
When it comes to decorating their homes, many people don’t know where to start. But decorating is more about knowing yourself than about knowledge of interior design.