10 common sayings… said differently

10 common sayings... said differently
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‘Nice guys finish last’ means something very different in Spain… have a giggle at some of these international sayings. When you think about it, they’re probably giggling at some of ours!

Money doesn't grow on trees

Money doesn't grow on trees
Getty Images

Instead of ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’, try:

‘The sky doesn’t throw chicks’. (Arabic)

You’ll love these 27 hilarious (but totally real) names for groups of animals. 

Nice guys finish last

Nice guys finish last
Getty Images

Instead of ‘Nice guys finish last’, try:

‘A cat in gloves catches no mice’. (Spanish)

Don’t miss these 18 words for things you never knew had a name. 

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
Getty Images

Instead of ‘Don’t count your chickens before they hatch’, try:

‘Don’t praise the day before evening’. (German)

Learn how to crack the code of popular expressions. 

All talk and no action

All talk and no action
Getty Images

Instead of ‘All talk and no action’, try:

‘If he made 100 knives, none would have a handle’. (Farsi)

Find out the 16 social media slang terms you really should know by now. 

To beat around the bush

To beat around the bush
Getty Images

Instead of ‘To beat around the bush’, try:

‘To walk like a cat around hot porridge’. (Finnish)

These are the 15 hardest words to spell in the English language – are you getting them right?

The grass is always greener on the other side

The grass is always greener on the other side
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Instead of ‘The grass is always greener on the other side’, try:

‘Tasty is the fish from someone else’s table’. (Yiddish)

Here are 51 facts you’ve always believed that are actually false. 

A Drop in the Bucket

A Drop in the Bucket
Getty Images

Instead of ‘A drop in the bucket’, try:

‘Nine cows, one hare’. (Chinese)

Out of the frying pan, into the fire

Out of the frying pan, into the fire
Getty Images

Instead of ‘Out of the frying pan, into the fire’, try:

‘Fallen from the sky, stuck on a date palm’. (Hindi)

To cost an arm and a leg

To cost an arm and a leg
Getty Images

Instead of ‘To cost an arm and a leg’, try:

‘To cost the eyes in your head’. (French)

Instead of ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’, try:

‘If you don’t enter the tiger’s cave, you won’t catch its cub’. (Japanese)

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