Dark hair: you’re thoughtful

Dark hair: you’re thoughtful

Women with darker locks are often perceived as more thoughtful and enigmatic, which can contribute to their mysterious sex appeal.

Read on to find the best hair colour for your skin tone.

Red hair: you’re fun-loving

Red hair: you’re fun-loving
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Red-haired women are often branded as ‘fiery’ and are typically perceived as fun-loving and wild.

Blonde hair: you’re a man magnet

Blonde hair: you’re a man magnet
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Men are typically more drawn to women with golden tones in their hair, despite often pegging them to be less intelligent.

Check out these tricks to make your hair colour last longer.

Grey hair: you’re confident

Grey hair: you’re confident
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Women who go or remain grey are considered confident and appear unwilling to bend to societal standards of beauty. That said, grey-haired women may also be construed as older than they actually are.

Read on for the sneaky reasons your hair is going grey too soon.

Bold colours: you’re a rebel

Bold colours: you’re a rebel
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Wild hair colours that do not occur naturally, such as pink or blue, point to a sense of rebelliousness and a free spirit.

Short hair: you’re professional

Short hair: you’re professional
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Shorter hairstyles project confidence because they make it seem as though the wearer has nothing to hide. Short styles are also deemed more professionally, and women that sport them are often taken more seriously.

Don’t miss these things you do to your hair that a stylist wouldn’t.

Long hair: you’re carefree (or immature)

Long hair: you’re carefree (or immature)

Women with long hair are more carefree and youthful, and sometimes bohemian. However, older women who maintain longer hair can sometimes be seen as childish. Long hair can be seen as a shield of sorts that connotes a lack of maturity or toughness.

Check out these everyday mistakes that are ageing your hair.

Centre part: you’re organised

Centre part: you’re organised
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Women who part their hair down the centre project personalities that strive for balance and order in their lives. They’re organised and responsible. Jagged centre parts are slightly softer and signal a more easygoing attitude.

Here are the daily morning habits of highly organised people.

Side part: you’re compassionate

Side part: you’re compassionate
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Women with side parts are typically empathetic and compassionate. They care very deeply for their loved ones and make them a large part of their lives.

Sleek, straight hair: you’re a perfectionist

Sleek, straight hair: you’re a perfectionist
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Pin-straight, frizz-free hair is a sign of a perfectionist who likes to be in control of every situation she finds herself in.

Check out these stylist-approved tricks for having the shiniest hair ever.

Wavy locks: you’re creative

Wavy locks: you’re creative
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Low-maintenance, wavy hair is a sign of a creative and laid-back spirit who goes with the flow.

Curls: you’re less serious

Curls: you’re less serious
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Curly-haired women are perceived as less serious than those with wavy or straight styles, as others will interpret them as more fun-loving and wild.

Do you have fine hair? Find out if you’re making these mistakes.

Elaborate styles: you might be self-critical

Elaborate styles: you might be self-critical
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If your style is super-complicated and takes a lot of time to create, this could signal you are high maintenance. Also, it may point toward your being self-critical.

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Source: RD.com

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