Great food debates of our time

Great food debates of our time
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There are few things that get people as passionate and riled up as food.  If you’ve ever had someone exclaim in shock after announcing that you like pineapple on your pizza, you’ll know this to be true.

From whether you should butter your toast to whether to put the coffee or the milk in first, the number of food debates raging on are endless. Here are 6 of our top picks. And if all this talk of food gives you an appetite, try making something delicious like this fried gnocchi recipe once you’re finished.

Best way to cook eggs

Best way to cook eggs
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Ah, the age old question – “How would you like your eggs?” If there’s one thing humans can’t agree on, it’s the ideal way to cook your eggs. Soft boiled egg lovers say that there’s no better way to enjoy an egg than by popping it in a tiny cup and dipping bread into it. Scrambled egg lovers will say adding butter is key, while others will tell you that nothing compares to the crispy crunch of a fried egg. And then there are the oddballs who demand their egg to be smoked on a grill.

Regardless of how you like your eggs – don’t throw away your eggshells!

Grass-fed vs corn-fed beef

Grass-fed vs corn-fed beef
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The debate rages on as to whether beef is better on a diet of grass or corn. Grass-fed advocates argue that eating grass makes cows healthier and gives the beef a more complex flavour. Grain-fed advocates respond by saying that grain makes the beef taste sweeter and more buttery, and that there isn’t enough evidence to say that grass-fed beef is significantly healthier.

Does maple syrup belong on bacon?

Does maple syrup belong on bacon?
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It’s sweet, satisfying and… salty? While more commonly associated with pancakes, maple syrup has recently made its way across the plate to the bacon, where it features as a sweet glaze (some even enjoy maple bacon on pancakes). Some people refuse to eat it, while others claim it is food from the heavens. There’s only one way to find out!

Where to store sauce

Where to store sauce
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I recently offended someone by placing their tomato sauce bottle in the fridge – they were adamant that it belonged in the cupboard (“Who wants to eat cold sauce!?”). Thankfully, science may have found an answer – unopened sauce bottles should be stored at room temperature, but once they’ve been opened they should be stored in the fridge to prolong its lifespan due to the lack of preservatives. Plus, the bottle itself actually tells you to store it in the fridge after opening.

How to eat pizza

How to eat pizza
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To fold, or not to fold? While some people are adamant that folding a pizza is the correct way to eat it, others are content with simply holding it by the crust. A rare breed of human has been said to eat their pizza with a knife and fork, though this has not yet been confirmed by eyewitnesses.

No matter your style of pizza eating – check out these crazy pizza toppings you need to try!

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Is a hot dog a sandwich?
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Merriam-Webster officially placed ‘hot dog’ in the sandwich category and spawned the great online hot dog debate, proving that properly categorising food items is incredibly important to humans. It’s a roll stuffed with a filling, so it’s a sandwich, right? Some will disagree.

When it is okay to eat cereal

When it is okay to eat cereal
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While most people are happy eating their corn flakes and muesli at 8am, there is a growing group of people who proclaim that cereal tastes better between the hours of 10pm-12am. Nutritionists caution against eating sugary cereal late at night as it may keep you up. But this is unlikely to stop hard-core late-night cereal lovers.

Everyone seems convinced that it’s either their way or the highway. Some debates can’t be resolved; perhaps we just have to accept that we all have different tastebuds and move on with our lives.

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