The best ways to bounce back after cancer treatment

In the past, doctors advised cancer patients to rest after treatment, but today, more clinicians and oncologists recommend exercise as a strategy to reduce side effects of treatment, speed recovery and improve overall quality of life.

Are we natural-born racists?

A simple test revealed the writer’s ingrained prejudice. Equally simple psychology can help all of us to remove it.

When I Fell from the Sky

A lightning strike at 10,000ft saw a 17-year-old girl free fall into Amazonian rainforest – and live to tell the tale.

The 10 creepiest things ever found during a home inspection

Home inspectors, real estate professionals, estate-sale professionals and undertakers all have one thing in common: they know your secrets - the ones you've been trying to keep hidden your entire life. Some things are best left undisturbed as [...]

Can you pass this quiz of 4th grade spelling words?

You probably haven’t taken a spelling test since grade school. If that’s the case, it’s time to change that. No peeking at a dictionary or Google for this quiz of elementary school level, but surprisingly tricky, words.

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